Friday, October 23, 2020

The End of Our Republic?

What an adversarial people we have become, at least as it appears in the media. Both the formal media, like news networks, and the informal media, like the various varieties of social media, are constantly presenting one side or another (or both sides) of an argument. To quote an old friend, “It makes me tired.” It doesn’t have to be that way.

There are people closely watching every expression of an opinion or statement of fact, waiting for something they can characterize as something awful. My hope for each of you is that you are a member of some group that doesn’t treat you that way. I pray that each of you has some people in your life that will truly listen with interest to what you have to say and will offer an alternative way of looking at something without putting you down or making you look or feel stupid.

I am sure the near-by date of the national elections plays a large part. Each side seems to be looking for the other side to say or do something they can cast as evil. The local ads are in some ways worse than the national ones. If you have been paying any attention to local politics, I am sure you can spot some of the ads that are taking actions that were well intended by the other person and presenting them as a total betrayal of the constituency.

It is more on my mind, I am sure, because we have just recently started watching the local news on TV and it is interspersed with election ads. When I wasn’t seeing it, I wasn’t as concerned. I am sure there is a good sermon in there somewhere.

The title of this post comes from some of the current national political commentary. “The other side, if elected, will bring an end to our republic.”  Both sides are saying or implying such. They are trying to outdo each other with who can use the most hyperbolic rhetoric to characterize the other guys.

I like one side better than the other, but the other guys are not always wrong (Gasp!). The designers of our republic had at least one thing right – building in the checks and balances of the three parts of government. I think we will be here awhile yet. Despite what you might hear on the news, the American people are resilient. We will eventually come out in the right place. Meanwhile, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” And may God bless America! If He does, we don’t need to worry about all these politicians.

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