Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Time for the church to speak up

If real change comes as a result of George Floyd's murder, it will be because white people, white church people, speak up. Our black brothers and sisters cannot, (and should not have to try to) bring about change on their own. They will be diminished and dismissed by the white establishment and by the political elite. 
Amos starts off saying the Lord roars from Zion (1:2). Then he goes on to say what has God so upset. He speaks of those who oppress the poor and who crush the needy (4:4). He talks of those who impose heavy rent on the poor while they live in houses of well hewed stone (5:11). Then Amos tells these religious people what God is saying to them (5:21). He says He hates their assemblies (church services) and that even though they worship like he told them to, He will not accept it (5:22). He then says "Take away from me the noise of your songs: I will not even listen to the sound of your instruments (5:23). His conclusion is "Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.(5:24)"
If the lack of justice has God roaring like a lion from heaven, it is well past time for his children to overcome whatever is holding them back and to SPEAK UP to the economically and to the politically powerful.

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