Sunday, April 12, 2020

Who’s in Charge Here Anyhow?

Who’s in Charge Here Anyhow? Another view of the coronavirus: 

Charlene and I went to Egypt a few years ago and I was particularly impressed with how most of the pharaohs had declared themselves to be gods. Our God was tolerant of that until they became very brutal toward God’s people whom the Egyptians had enslaved. God responded with a series of plagues: boils, flies, frogs, gnats and the like – little things, but multitudes of them. And he wiped out the economy using locusts to destroy the crops. It seems from this story and other history that people can push God so far, but eventually He will step in and show them who’s boss. Only after God took the first born of every family (including the pets and the livestock along with Pharaoh’s own oldest child) did Egypt relent. And even then, the pharaoh changed his mind and went after the Israelites to bring them back into slavery. Humankind is stubborn in its sin.

At a different point in time, the people of the world became so evil that God wiped them all out with a flood, saving only eight of them. But it was on a Sunday morning, some would say an Easter Sunday morning, that God went into a grave in Palestine and woke up a dead man to inspire and to save the world. Throughout history God has been patient and loving toward those who love Him. But He has His limits.

Could it be that the leaders of the world have become a little too arrogant? I would think the constant competition to be the best nation, ignoring God’s will and inserting our own agendas, could get on His nerves. And we continue to destroy His creation and to think that modern science can solve anything that comes our way - like degradation of the environment, like endless wars over who is really in charge, like Black people getting the virus more often than anyone else, like the poor continuing to carry the burdens of the past. And like our wannabe leaders all claiming to have the answers to all our problems. Perhaps this is just His way of showing us that we don’t have all the answers and that He is still really in charge.

Charlene’s theory is God has sent us to our rooms to contemplate Him.

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