This has been a mixed day. It started well. Magalie pre
tty much slept through the night. She was in decent spirits early and ate the most for breakfast she has had since surgery. We went for a wagon ride
down the hall and met a little boy with terminal cancer. He had a brain tumor removed and was out for a walk. Since then, though, Magalie lost her IV line and they had a terrible time replacing it. It took four tries the first time. Then the new one got infiltrated, and Magalie was uncomfortable all afternoon. They quit using the new line and it took two more tries to get another one in.Meanwhile the docs are all concerned about her losing spinal fluid out her nose. They are going to put a drain in her spine tomorrow (Friday the 18th). Not sure when we may go home. I will stay in the hospital again tonight, then go home
tomorrow to spend some time with Alex and pick David up after school.
Pictures from yesterday's CAT scan:
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