Thursday, March 19, 2020

Victims, Change Agents and Babies

There are, of course, many more than two kinds of people in the world, but it can be fun and sometimes educational to think of people as if they all fall into one of two groups. So, bear with me for a bit and let’s think of people as being either a victim or a change agent. This thought occurred to me the other day as I was thinking about our newest descendant’s future.

I am thinking mostly in terms of how people see themselves. Just listening to people talk, a lot of them seem to see themselves as victims of whatever comes along. They tend to look for the ways in which they are personally negatively affected by whatever happens. It is a “Woe is Me” lens through which to view the world. Not to mention how it affects people around them, it must be a miserable way to live. Though some of them do seem to enjoy it.

On the other side are those who see themselves as change agents. I suppose you could further divide the change agents into subgroups. For example, bullies might see themselves that way, but I like to think about the change agents who use positive means – those, influenced by Jesus, who approach the world and all its troubles looking for where they might make a positive difference. Using gentleness, kindness, forgiveness and patience as their tools, they approach each situation looking for ways to make it better. My prayer for little Ginny is that she will be a change agent and not a victim. 

[She is, of course much cuter than this clip art.]

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