Last report of the Day
They are done! Eleven hours of surgery, fifteen and a half since arriving at the hospital this morning. She is not in the room yet, they are washing her hair, but we should see her soon. We just spoke with the plastic surgeon who has been working on her all day. He described in detail what they have done, said it all went well. We expressed our thanks and he talked about how much they all enjoyed doing this kind of work. God is good and has done an amazing peice of work in bringing all of these people together for this precious little girl, including each of you who have been praying for her. Please keep the prayers going up. Good night.
Thank you David for keeping us posted on Magalie. Thank you God for being with Magalie through the surgery and taking care of her. You are a great, awesome and loving God. We thank you and pray for your continued care for Magalie. Many, many thanks to the skilled doctors and nurses that did the wonderful surgery, and continue to care for Magalie. Let us all continue to lift Magalie up to the Father in prayer.