To “stereotype” originally
meant to make a mold of the type in a print shop and, from the mold, make
copies of it. Every page printed from the resulting type would be identical.
To stereotype people, though,
has adverse side effects. When you assume people are alike because of common
characteristics, like height, weight, age, race, gender, color, language,
likes, dislikes, religion, political beliefs, or income you do them and
yourself a great disservice.
To believe that all black
people, all Muslims, all males, all police officers, all atheists, all homeless
people think or act in a certain way is just wrong thinking. God made us each
unique (1 Corinthians 12:12-26) and He loves us all (John 3:16). To lump us in
with all others with whom we have one common characteristic is to dismiss most
of who we are.
We may
be careful not to talk about people in stereotypical terms, but we likely do sometimes
act as if the stereotypes are true. As God’s ambassadors to this world, we need
to get to know the whole of every individual we encounter.