You may know a lot of this, but it is time to do a family update.
Charlene was in Haiti in February. I am putting a picture at the bottom of this post of her speaking to about 200 ladies at the Santo church. Charlie Mcgee (our brother from St. Joseph, Michigan), Matt May (our #3 son), and I are headed back there in April. We have planned three seminars in different places and a review of an
orphanage for Orphan's Lifeline. That will involve considerable in-country travel.
That's good because this is Matt's first trip. BTW, if you don't understand how Charlie can be "our brother" we will be glad to answer your individual inquiry.
Alex May (#1 grandson) lives with us and is finishing high school. He has been accepted to Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas, and to their Honors College. He plans to attend. Rick May is home from school for awhile to catch up on some debts. He is working two jobs. So there are four of us living here again.
Without going into all the detail, there are 17 relatives of various ilk plus the two of us plus several honorary relatives and friends who show up here for birthdays. We are doing two birthday celebrations in April - one for three people toward the beginning of the month and another for Charlene toward the end (after the Haiti trip).
I spoke at the Northern Light church last Sunday and just finished a series on Malachi for the Eagan men. The book signing was a lot of fun. I interviewed for a little community TV program about my books a couple of weeks ago. Haven't seen the results yet - will try to get them posted when they are done.
Hope you all are well and are excited about your work for the Lord.